_root.attachMovie ("gunbarrell","gunbarrell",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie ("levelscreen","levelscreen",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie ("mainmenu","mainmenu",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie ("gameoverscreen","gameoverscreen",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie ("levelcompletescreen","levelcompletescreen",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie ("statusbar","statusbar",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); enemy_xspeeds = new Array(); enemy_yspeeds = new Array(); enemy_rspeeds = new Array(); enemy_maxspeeds = new Array(); enemy_hps = new Array(); //current health enemy_starthps = new Array(); //start health. both needed to get progressbar length. enemy_IDs = new Array(); bullet_xspeeds = new Array(); bullet_yspeeds = new Array(); bullet_rspeeds = new Array(); //rotation speed bullet_powers = new Array(); //amount the bullet repels enemies bullet_hps = new Array(); //amount of damage done by the bullet bullet_IDs = new Array(); var fade:Boolean; var fadeitem:String; var endlevel:Boolean; gamestate = 0; currentlevel = 0; levelcounter = 0; bl = gunbarrell._height; fade = false; fadeitem = ""; gomainmenu(); //button functionality levelcompletescreen.btnnextlevel.onPress = function(){ if (currentlevel==3){gameover();}else{golevel(currentlevel+1);} } gameoverscreen.btnmainmenu.onPress = function(){ gomainmenu(); } mainmenu.btnnewgame.onPress = function(){ gonewgame(); } //end buttons gunbarrell.onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function called every frame if (gamestate==1){ if (endlevel==true && enemycount==0){ //level complete endlevel = false; golevelcomplete(); } levelautomation(); if (bulletcount > 0){bulletstep();} if (enemycount > 0){enemystep();} } if (fade==true){ if (_root[fadeitem]._alpha > 0){ time = getTimer() - fadetimer; if (time >= 10){ fadetimer = getTimer(); _root[fadeitem]._alpha -= 10; } }else{ fade = false; //what to do after fade based on fade item if (fadeitem=="levelscreen"){ gamestate = 1; levelscreen._y = 2000; }}}} function clearscreen(){ //move all movieclips off screen. for (n=0;n<10;n++){ for (c=0;c<enemycount;c++){killenemy(c);} } for (n=0;n<10;n++){ for (c=0;c<bulletcount;c++){killbullet(c);} } gunbarrell._y = 2000; levelscreen._y = 2000; statusbar._y = 2000; mainmenu._y = 2000; gameoverscreen._y = 2000; levelcompletescreen._y = 2000; } function gomainmenu(){ //display main menu clearscreen(); mainmenu._y = 400; mainmenu._x = 275; gamestate = 0; } function gonewgame(){ stagexmin = 0; //stage boundaries stagexmax = 550; stageymin = 40; stageymax = 800; money = 0; lives = 3; score = 0; updatestatus(); golevel(1); } function golevel(level:Number){ clearscreen(); gunbarrell._x = 275; gunbarrell._y = 780; statusbar._x = 275; statusbar._y = statusbar._height / 2; levelscreen._alpha = 100; levelscreen._y = 400; levelscreen._x = 275; levelscreen.txtlevel.text = "Level " + level; enemycount = 0; nextenemyID = 0; bulletcount = 0; nextbulletID = 0; levelcounter = 0; curID = 0; shottimer = getTimer(); //controls shooting speed leveltimer = getTimer(); //controls timing of enemies fadetimer = getTimer(); //controls fade out of various items reloadspeed = 200; //lower number = faster reload speed gravity = 0.15; xfriction = 1; //changed to 1 so that x friction doesn't apply. I left the variable here in case I want to turn it back on. fade = true; fadeitem = "levelscreen" currentlevel = level; } function golevelcomplete(){ clearscreen(); levelcompletescreen._x = 275; levelcompletescreen._y = 400; levelcompletescreen.txtscore.text = score; levelcompletescreen.txtmoney.text = money; levelcompletescreen.txtlives.text = lives; } function updatestatus(){ statusbar.txtscore.text = score; statusbar.txtlives.text = lives; statusbar.txtmoney.text = money; } function levelautomation(){ time = getTimer() - leveltimer; switch (currentlevel){ case 1: case 2: case 3: if (levelcounter==0||(levelcounter > 0 && levelcounter < 5 && time >= 3000)){ leveltimer = getTimer(); levelcounter++; makeenemy(currentlevel); if (levelcounter==5){ endlevel = true;} } break; }} function toDeg(Rad:Number){return (Rad * 180 / Math.PI);} function makebullet(){ //bullet appears at end point of barrell //bl = barrell length, barrell_rad = barrell angle in radians bxl = Math.cos(barrell_rad) * bl; byl = Math.sin(barrell_rad) * bl; bulletspeed = 10; //split bulletspeed into an x and y value ratio = bulletspeed / bl; bullet_xspeeds[bulletcount] = bxl * ratio; bullet_yspeeds[bulletcount] = byl * ratio; bullet_rspeeds[bulletcount] = 10; //rotation speed bullet_hps[bulletcount] = 5; //damage bullet_powers[bulletcount] = 4; //repelling power bullet_IDs[bulletcount] = nextbulletID; //attach a new instance of bullet from the library with name bullet_1, bullet_2 etc. bul = _root.attachMovie("bullet","bullet_"+nextbulletID,_root.getNextHighestDepth()); bul.swapDepths(statusbar) bul._x = gunbarrell._x + bxl; //position the movie clip bul._y = gunbarrell._y + byl; nextbulletID++; //increment IDs bulletcount++; //increment bullet count } function bulletstep(){ for (a=0;a<bulletcount;a++){ //step through the array from 0 curID = bullet_IDs[a] _root['bullet_'+curID]._x += bullet_xspeeds[a]; //apply new positions to _root['bullet_'+curID]._y += bullet_yspeeds[a]; //relevant bullet on screen _root['bullet_'+curID]._rotation += bullet_rspeeds[a]; //rotate bullet bulletcheck(a); //check screen boundaries etc. }} function bulletcheck(arraypos:Number){ cx = _root['bullet_'+bullet_IDs[arraypos]]._x; //get x and y position cy = _root['bullet_'+bullet_IDs[arraypos]]._y; //check stage boundaries if (cx < stagexmin || cx > stagexmax || cy < stageymin || cy > stageymax){killbullet(arraypos);} //check if it hits an enemy for (b=0;b<enemycount;b++){ if (_root['bullet_'+bullet_IDs[arraypos]].hitTest(_root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[b]])){ hitenemy(b,arraypos); }}} function killbullet(arraypos:Number){ removeMovieClip(_root['bullet_'+bullet_IDs[arraypos]]); //remove the bullet if (!(arraypos == (bulletcount - 1))){ //if its not the end of the array for (i = arraypos+1;i<bulletcount;i++){ //then move everything in the array bullet_xspeeds[i-1] = bullet_xspeeds[i]; bullet_yspeeds[i-1] = bullet_yspeeds[i]; bullet_rspeeds[i-1] = bullet_rspeeds[i]; bullet_powers[i-1] = bullet_powers[i]; bullet_hps[i-1] = bullet_hps[i]; bullet_IDs[i-1] = bullet_IDs[i]; } } bulletcount--; } function makeenemy(type:Number){ switch(type){ case 1: enemy_maxspeeds[enemycount] = 4; enemy_starthps[enemycount] = 20; size = 40; break; case 2: enemy_maxspeeds[enemycount] = 5.5; enemy_starthps[enemycount] = 12; size = 30; break; case 3: enemy_maxspeeds[enemycount] = 2.8; enemy_starthps[enemycount] = 35; size = 55; break; } enemy_xspeeds[enemycount] = 0; enemy_yspeeds[enemycount] = enemy_maxspeeds[enemycount]; enemy_hps[enemycount] = enemy_starthps[enemycount]; enemy_IDs[enemycount] = nextenemyID; enemy_rspeeds[enemycount] = 0; en = _root.attachMovie("enemy_"+type,"enemy_"+nextenemyID,_root.getNextHighestDepth()); en.swapDepths(statsubar); en._x = Math.round(Math.random()*(stagexmax-stagexmin-size))+(size/2); en._y = stageymin + (size/2); en._width = size en._height = size progressbar = en.attachMovie("progressbar","progressbar",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); progressbar.swapDepths(statusbar); progressbar._width = 40; progressbar._height = 6; nextenemyID++; enemycount++; } function enemystep(){ for (a=0;a<enemycount;a++){ if (enemy_yspeeds[a] < enemy_maxspeeds[a]){enemy_yspeeds[a] += gravity;} if (enemy_yspeeds[a] > enemy_maxspeeds[a]){enemy_yspeeds[a] = enemy_maxspeeds[a];} if (enemy_xspeeds[a] != 0){enemy_xspeeds[a] *= xfriction;} _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[a]]._x += enemy_xspeeds[a]; _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[a]]._y += enemy_yspeeds[a]; _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[a]]._rotation += enemy_rspeeds[a]; enemycheck(a); } } function enemycheck(arraypos:Number){ //make enemy bounce off wales and also detect when enemy goes off the bottom of the screen ex = _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[arraypos]]._x; ey = _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[arraypos]]._y; er = _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[arraypos]]._width / 2; if (ex < stagexmin+er) { enemy_xspeeds[arraypos]*=-1; _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[arraypos]]._x = stagexmin+er; }else if (ex > stagexmax - er){ enemy_xspeeds[arraypos]*=-1; _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[arraypos]]._x = stagexmax - er; } if (ey > stageymax - er){ //if off bottom of screen killenemy(arraypos); lives--; updatestatus(); if (lives == 0){ gameover(); } } } function gameover(){ clearscreen(); gameoverscreen._x = 275; gameoverscreen._y = 400; gameoverscreen.txtscore.text = score; gameoverscreen.txtmoney.text = money; gameoverscreen.txtlevel.text = currentlevel; gamestate = 0; } function hitenemy(enemyarraypos:Number, bulletarraypos:Number){ enemy_hps[enemyarraypos]-=bullet_hps[bulletarraypos]; if (enemy_hps[enemyarraypos]<=0){ money += enemy_starthps[enemyarraypos]/4; score += enemy_starthps[enemyarraypos]; updatestatus(); killenemy(enemyarraypos); } else { score += bullet_hps[bulletarraypos]; updatestatus(); //split the bullets power into x and y vals based on the angle of the bullet to the enemy. c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bullet_xspeeds[bulletarraypos],2) + Math.pow(bullet_yspeeds[bulletarraypos],2)); xforce = bullet_powers[bulletarraypos] * bullet_xspeeds[bulletarraypos] / c; yforce = bullet_powers[bulletarraypos] * bullet_yspeeds[bulletarraypos] / c; enemy_xspeeds[enemyarraypos]+=xforce; enemy_yspeeds[enemyarraypos]+=yforce; //apply a rotation based on which side of the enemy was struck if (_root['bullet_'+bullet_IDs[bulletarraypos]]._x < _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[enemyarraypos]]._x){ enemy_rspeeds[enemyarraypos] += Math.round(Math.random()*4)+1; } else { enemy_rspeeds[enemyarraypos] -= Math.round(Math.random()*4)+1; } _root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[enemyarraypos]].progressbar._width = (enemy_hps[enemyarraypos] / enemy_starthps[enemyarraypos]) * 40; } killbullet(bulletarraypos); } function killenemy(arraypos:Number){ removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_'+enemy_IDs[arraypos]]); if (!(arraypos == (enemycount - 1))){ for (i = arraypos + 1;i<enemycount;i++){ enemy_xspeeds[i-1] = enemy_xspeeds[i]; enemy_yspeeds[i-1] = enemy_yspeeds[i]; enemy_rspeeds[i-1] = enemy_rspeeds[i]; enemy_maxspeeds[i-1] = enemy_maxspeeds[i]; enemy_hps[i-1] = enemy_hps[i]; enemy_starthps[i-1] = enemy_starthps[i]; enemy_IDs[i-1] = enemy_IDs[i]; } } enemycount--; } //mouse functions onMouseDown = function () { //click if (gamestate == 1){ timesinceshot = getTimer() - shottimer; if (timesinceshot >= reloadspeed){ shottimer = getTimer(); makebullet(); }}} onMouseMove = function () { //move if (gamestate == 1){ mouse_xdist = _root._xmouse-gunbarrell._x; mouse_ydist = _root._ymouse-gunbarrell._y; // calculate the angle barrell_rad = Math.atan2(mouse_ydist, mouse_xdist); // convert to degrees and set rotation barrell_angle = toDeg(barrell_rad) + 90; gunbarrell._rotation = barrell_angle; }}
Day 4 - Full Code
Heres the full code from day 4.
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